Category Archives: Uncategorized

I get attacked by my blender

I honestly own the most ornery blender in the world. Today, I was making a coffee protein shake and, even though the blender lid was tightly closed, somehow air pressure or something raised it up and I got bathed in coffee. That’s one way to start the day. =D

This weekend was suuuper fun….. after church, we spent all yesterday afternoon at a friend’s, cooking out, swimming, and just having tons of fun. I was sad when it was time to come home. =P

Now, I’m just doing my school work, and trying to do some extra work today so that I can have a “lighter” rest of the week.

I’ve got tons of recipes that I want to try, from Julia Child’s ratatouille to spaghetti squash to shrimp creole. I also have a stack of good cookbooks to look through. Am I the only one who truly gets a kick out of reading cookbooks? I just think that it’s sooo much fun. =P I’ll keep ya’ll posted on how the cooking is going this week!!!! I’m soooo excited about all of my new recipes!!!!!!!!!

Do you have any recipes that you want to share? If so, just post ’em in the comments section! I looooove cooking and want to try out new things!!!!!

Well, sorry about the quick post, but I have to get back to studying!!!!

Buh-bye now! =D

Out and about

I have just been out and about this weekend! Friday I shopped with a friend, yesterday we met up with some other friends, and today we’re going to a different church and some other friends’ home. Fun, but busy day.

Really, though, not too much is going on….I’ve been reading some blogs and saw this wonder ful looking muffin recipe here:

You know that I now have to go and try to make some muffins of my own.

Speaking of baking, I tried the cake mix cookies found here: I ended up substituting 1/2 cup of applesauce for the oil and using 2 eggs instead of one. I used a lemon cake mix, and the cookies tasted like Jumbles….but fluffier. The whole house smelled lemony-fresh =D and, because I don’t want to serve anything less than wonderful to my family, I tried a cookie (or two….or four) straight out of the oven. YUM!!!!!

As for my attempt to gain weight in a healthy way to beat my eating disorder, a doctor suggested Ensure shakes. Each one has 250-350 calories and they are full of essential vitamins and minerals and fats. Even hospitals use them!!!! They also taste pretty good, the ones that I’ve tried so far are the dark chocolate and the cafe latte. They don’t taste like “health” shakes, and I’ve been instructed to drink at least 2 per day.

That’s about it for me…….gonna head off to church pretty soon….so I’ll catch up with ya’ll later!!!